RCGRS – Annual Railway Tour (Pt 3)
Track & Bridges
Part 1 of the RCGRS Tour is here.
As one can tell from other posts, I particularly like track and bridge-work, as that has some of the most interesting complexity and engineering that is not motive power or rolling stock.
A nice trestle on the Whisky Creek & Bear Mountain to the right. A very nice Town Lattice Truss Covered Bridge on same.
Below are nice truss bridges on the Colorado & Southern. I particularly like the angled truss bridge.
Also, a very impressive yard.
On the Baker & Grande Ronde, there are numerous trestles and bridges.
All the track is hand-laid on redwood ties and the turnouts are custom built stub switches.
There were quite a few turntables like the one below. These shots show how they were made.
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